A little about pfcheckup…

Greetings! My name is Aaron and I’d like to say WELCOME!

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to hang out and see what this blog is all about. Yea, there are articles about money, but it’s also about life in general and how managing money (for better and for worse) can affect it.

I like to use sound fundamentals, life experience, and an attempt at humor to get my ideas across. My hope is that you take a thing or two with you from every post you read.

There are no fancy letters after my name. I’m just a dude with B.A. degree from Western Michigan University and a passion for helping people succeed. I really mean that last part.

The concept of this blog is to help the everyday person find out if their financial well-being is on track. Money certainly can’t buy true happiness, but not having to constantly worry about it can bring peace to one’s life.

I want to help people in all stages of their financial journey. Whether they are just getting started with adulting or well into their earning and investing years, my hope is that something on these pages will help them along the way.

This blog came about after helping coworkers with questions they had about their own finances. When word got out that they were making progress within their financial lives, a few more people started asking me questions. I though what better than to share the same questions and answers with the whole world than through a blog, and here it is.

New content will be posted regularly. My plan is to share the stories from yesterday, today and tomorrow and help as many people along the way as possible. You can stay up to date with email posts by subscribing to the email list.

Thank you for stopping by – I hope you enjoy your visit and come back to see me soon!
